How are you going to celebrate Catholic Press Month?

Posted By: Zoey Maraist Catholic Media Blog, The Catholic Journalist,

Now that the most wonderful time of the year has passed us by, it’s time to gear up for the second most wonderful time of the year — Catholic Press Month.

Catholic journalists do a great job of telling other people’s stories. But Catholic Press Month, sometimes referred to as February by non-Catholic media journalists, is an important reminder that we need to share our own stories, too. Catholic media professionals provide an invaluable service to the church and to our communities. This month is a time to toot our own horns, and maybe even to have a slice of celebratory cake with our co-workers. 

Start with thanks

Take some time to thank the people who make your paper, magazine or news site possible. Send a message to your readers, your advertisers, your IT troubleshooters, your bishop and your board of directors. A few years ago at the Arlington Catholic Herald (where I previously worked as a staff writer), we decided to mail every pastor a handwritten thank-you note to let them know that their support doesn’t go unappreciated. 

Heading to Mass as a staff to thank God for the gift of Catholic media also would be a beautiful way to start the month. 

Let the readers in on the fun

Spread the word about Catholic Press Month to your readers, viewers or listeners. In the past, the Catholic Herald has run a Catholic Press Month column from one of our editors. The Arlington diocese also has a Sunday Mass second collection for the Catholic Herald that month, and an article or social media post is a nice way to give readers a heads-up if they’d like to give. 

To further get readers in the spirit, host a swag giveaway. Ask them to like the paper’s social media page, subscribe to the print publication or e-newsletter, or post what they love about the paper on social media. Then pick some winners and mail them branded merch. At the Catholic Herald, we had ice cream scoops (Get it?). Keep a running list of positive feedback received throughout the year, and share the comments on social media throughout the month. 

Go behind the scenes

Let readers see how the sausage gets made. Create a video or article introducing the staffers. On Instagram or Facebook stories, have a staffer share clips of a day-in-the-life, perhaps while on an interesting assignment. I posted short clips on Instagram when I covered our state’s pro-life march, showing followers clips of the march itself as well as me writing the story at nearby Panera so the story could make it online before the end of the day. Take subscribers on a virtual tour of the printing press. A Catholic Herald reel of papers coming hot off the presses has more than 2,000 views. Plus, taking a trip to the press was a fun and informative staff field trip. 

Start ’em young

Look for opportunities to speak to young people about the Catholic press. Many schools have career fairs, student newspapers, scouting groups or journalism classes that would love to hear from a working reporter. Or see if the young adult ministry needs speakers for youth groups or Theology on Tap. I had a great time speaking to young adults about why the news matters, ways to be a savvy media consumer and how tuning in to Catholic news can help one’s faith grow.


Take an afternoon for a pizza party, a potluck or an ice cream social. Give out superlative paper plate awards to the staff (such as Best Headline Writer or Best Typo Spotter), or break into teams for newspaper-related trivia. I interned at one outlet where every Friday that summer we would watch a journalism-related movie during lunch. Find your own fun, creative way to enjoy yourselves. 

No matter what you choose to do, I hope you and your team have a very, merry Catholic Press Month.

Maraist is a freelancer from Virginia, and a former staff writer for the Arlington Catholic Herald and the Catholic Standard in Washington.