
Membership Information

The Catholic Media Association builds relationships and community for Catholic media professionals throughout North America and beyond. Journalists, communications experts, media and public relations professionals, advertising and marketing specialists, and others join the CMA for this network where relationships help support one another in mission.

Have questions about membership or the application process? Contact Meg Plummer, Membership Coordinator, at (312) 380-6789 or e-mail membership@catholicmediaassociation.org.
Terms of Membership

Memberships are for a calendar year, January 1 to December 31. If your membership application is accepted in the middle of the year, the CMA will prorate your dues accordingly. Dues for membership in the Catholic Media Association vary by type of membership and size of the organization.

Membership Application Process

Your completed online application will be forwarded to the Membership Committee for review.  Any additional documentation should be sent to membership@catholicmediaassociation.org  A representative will contact you to get to know you and your interest in joining, and match those to the benefits offered by the association.

The committee will forward their recommendation to the Board of Directors for membership approval during their monthly meeting. Upon approval, you will be invoiced for membership dues, receive website login instructions, and once dues payment is received, your member benefits will begin immediately.

We encourage new members to share their knowledge and talents with members of the Catholic Media Association. The active participation of our members makes all members successful. Thank you and God bless!

Organizational Media: Newspapers

Publishers of Catholic newspapers, websites or general Catholic literature. Organizational Media members receive voting rights. Organizations that are not dioceses or religious orders will need to provide some evidence of good standing with the Catholic Church, such as a copy of your Kenedy Directory listing, or a letter of endorsement from a recognized Church official sent to membership@catholicmediaassociation.org  Our membership committee will not be able to process your application without this. Dues range from $365-$2,685.00 depending on circulation and frequency.

Join as Organizational Media: Newspapers

Organizational Media: Magazines & Newsletters

Publishers of Catholic magazines, websites, newsletters, books, pamphlets or general Catholic literature. Organizational Media members receive voting rights. Organizations that are not dioceses or religious orders will need to provide some evidence of good standing with the Catholic Church, such as a copy of your Kenedy Directory listing, or a letter of endorsement from a recognized Church official sent to membership@catholicmediaassociation.org   Our membership committee will not be able to process your application without this. Dues range from $365-$2,590.00 depending on circulation and frequency.

Join as Organizational Media: Magazines & Newsletters

Organizational Media: Digital Only Publications

Publishers of Catholic websites, newsletters or digital publications. Organizational Media members receive voting rights. Organizations that are not dioceses or religious orders will need to provide some evidence of good standing with the Catholic Church, such as a copy of your Kenedy Directory listing, or a letter of endorsement from a recognized Church official sent to membership@catholicmediaassociation.org   Our membership committee will not be able to process your application without this. Dues range from $365-$675.00 depending on circulation and frequency.

Join as Organizational Media: Digital Only Publications

Organizational Communications Membership

Directs or manages communications for a diocese or religious order, a Catholic communication or public relations company, a Catholic school or university, or a similar Catholic organization. Organizations that are not dioceses or religious orders will need to provide some evidence of good standing with the Catholic Church, such as a copy of your Kenedy Directory listing, or a letter of endorsement from a recognized Church official sent to membership@catholicmediaassociation.org   Our membership committee will not be able to process your application without this. Dues range from $260-$675.00 depending on size and reach of organization. ($155.00 if an Organizational Media Membership is already held by a related Member group)  

Join as Organizational Communications Membership

Organizational Media: Radio & Television

Catholic radio, and television stations and film companies. Organizational Media members receive voting rights. Organizations that are not dioceses or religious orders will need to provide some evidence of good standing with the Catholic Church, such as a copy of your Kenedy Directory listing, or a letter of endorsement from a recognized Church official sent to membership@catholicmediaassociation.org   Dues range from $350-$650.00 depending on size and reach of organization. Our membership committee will not be able to process your application without this.

Join as Organizational Media: Radio & Television

Organizational Media: General Publisher

General Publisher members receive voting rights. Organizations that are not dioceses or religious orders will need to provide some evidence of good standing with the Catholic Church, such as a copy of your Kenedy Directory listing, or a letter of endorsement from a recognized Church official sent to membership@catholicmediaassociation.org  Your membership application will not be processed without this. Dues are $930.00 per year.

Join as Organizational Media: General Publisher

Organizational Media: Book Publisher

Publishers of Catholic books, pamphlets or general Catholic literature. Organizational Media members receive voting rights. Organizations that are not dioceses or religious orders will need to provide some evidence of good standing with the Catholic Church, such as a copy of your Kenedy Directory listing, or a letter of endorsement from a recognized Church official sent to membership@catholicmediaassociation.org  Our membership committee will not be able to process your application without this. Dues are $930.00 per year.

Join as Organizational Media: Book Publisher

Freelance Membership

Actively contributes to editorial, communications, advertising, media or business management of at least one CMA Organizational Member but is not staff. Freelance members receive voting rights. Please provide a sample of work, a link to online work, or a letter of endorsement from a recognized Church official sent to membership@catholicmediaassociation.org  Our membership committee will not be able to process your application without this. Dues are $100.00 per year.

Join as Freelance Membership

Individual Membership

Individual not working for a CMA member organization, but who contributes to or cares about the well-being of Catholic communications such as: parish communicators, diocesan communications personnel, bloggers, students, and members of the secular press. Individual members do not receive voting rights. Please provide a sample of work, a link to online work, or a letter of endorsement from a recognized Church official sent to membership@catholicmediaassociation.org  Our membership committee will not be able to process your application without this. Dues are $100.00 per year.

Join as Individual Membership

Service Member

If you are a business-to-business organization, you may apply for acceptance as a Service Member, or as an employee of a Service Member. Service Members do not receive voting rights. Dues are $450.00 per year.

Join as Service Member