Freelancer Focus: Blanca Thérèse Morales

Blanca shares her thoughts and advice from her experience as a freelance writer. She is currently with Verily Magazine. You can read more about her insights and get in touch with her below. 

What inspired you to pursue a career as a freelance professional, especially in Catholic media? 

Writing has been one of my creative outlets since childhood. I learned news writing in college through the student newspaper and immediately fell in love with journalism. I felt deep joy hearing what inspired and motivated those I'd interviewed. I reached out the Archdiocese of Miami in 2009 for the opportunity to write, and they graciously opened the doors. I primarily focused on young adult events, special Masses celebrated by the Archbishop, or cultural traditions that highlight our diverse community. I also traveled to special events such as the Pope’s visit to the U.S.  To say that Catholic journalism brings fulfillment is an understatement; to use the gifts God has given me for his glory is an honor, and it’s such a privilege to see a glimpse of others' hearts as I interview them.  

Can you tell us about a project you’ve worked on that you’re particularly proud of? 

I wrote an article on a Nun-Run, when a group of young women visit several convents and monasteries to learn about religious life. It was quite the trip as I traveled with them to all the different orders along the East Coast. Stepping “behind the screen” at cloisters and asking questions of their lifestyle was one of those rare once-in-a-lifetime opportunities! Writing has naturally led the way to content marketing, and I have used my journalism skills in creating content for Miami Catholic Young Professionals (a ministry of the Archdiocese), doubling their followers within a year, and a Covid project during lockdown called Rise and Create in which I interviewed Catholic artists and held a virtual Open Mike via Instagram @Rise.And.Create

What is the most interesting or unusual project you’ve worked on in your career?

 It always amazes me how well God knows our hearts and how he calls us toward our true desires. As a child, I dreamed of working in fashion, and as a college student, I also had an interest in broadcast journalism. Growing in faith as a young adult, I was concerned my interests might be too worldly, so I offered them up to God. But he transformed my ambitions by allowing me to use my gifts for Him. I became a Catholic news writer and blogger, and I have also shared about the faith through a couple of cable TV episodes: Extraordinary Faith aired on EWTN (they found my story on attending my first Latin Mass through some of my articles and blogs and traveled down to Miami for an interview), and Wild and Free a Theology of the Body a 12-episode talk show aired on MariaVision which was inspired after fellow young adult and I attended Christopher West’s Head and Heart Immersion Course. I now write style articles for Verily Magazine, a publication that seeks to elevate the true dignity of women—a calling that spoke deeply of my desires to remind my peers of their worth. I feel so blessed! 

What advice would you give to someone just starting out as a freelancer in Catholic media?

 Don’t quit your day job—or at least have a part-time position as a backup. With delayed payments, fluctuating budgets of publications or simply not enough writing jobs, it’s wise to have a reliable source of income apart from freelancing.  

How has freelancing helped you grow personally and professionally? 

Writing for the Archdiocese of Miami certainly paved the way to become the Catholic I am today. Covering an event in which Scott Hahn spoke about the Mass, opened my eyes to the profound significance of the liturgy, forever changing my experience and love for the Church. Attending different events introduced me to individuals I am still friends with to this day. However, it was covering a young adult pilgrimage to Washington, D.C. that challenged me to take a more serious look at my faith, sending me into a deep dive into the beauty of Catholicism. It set me on fire for serving and honoring God in all I do—including my work! 

Where can readers find your work and how can they get in touch with you?

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