Slate of Candidates for the CMA Board of Directors Election
The CMA Board of Directors is the governing body of the association. The Board represents the broad diversity of our membership in terms of job responsibilities, communications formats, geography and roles within their organizations. We encourage you to get involved and vote for those who you feel will contribute to the organization’s continued success.
The Nominating Committee has recommended a slate of candidates for the open positions on the Catholic Media Association Board of Directors, and the executive director has confirmed their willingness to serve.
Voting for Board of Director positions officially opens on March 3, 2025, and closes 15 days later at the end of the day on March 18, 2025. Organizational Media Members, Organizational Communications Members, and Freelance Members are eligible to vote. We encourage you to be an active member and participate in the election.
Learn more about the Board nomination process by visiting our frequently asked questions page.
The election is now closed. Thank you for voting.
Elizabeth Wong Barnstead serves as the editor of The Western Kentucky Catholic, the newspaper of the Diocese of Owensboro. In addition to writing, copyediting, graphic design, photography and managing publication of the WKC, she assists diocesan offices through consultation and editing projects on a regular basis, including the production of the diocese’s annual impact report. She collaborates with her communications teammates in operating the diocese’s social media platforms, and manages the WKC’s digital home, Joining the diocese in 2015 as a digital media strategist, Elizabeth oversaw the print redesign of The Western Kentucky Catholic and was soon after made the editor of the paper. Since then, she has been honored with opportunities to share the stories of people all over western Kentucky, especially highlighting those who are marginalized by the larger culture. Elizabeth studied communications with a journalism concentration and minored in philosophy at Franciscan University of Steubenville in Ohio. During this time, Elizabeth participated in the Washington Journalism Center through The Council for Christian Colleges & Universities, which included interning with The Washington Times. Prior to her arrival in western Kentucky, Elizabeth was a reporter for The Michigan Catholic newspaper of the Archdiocese of Detroit in Michigan. Her work has appeared in and been reprinted by multiple news outlets including Catholic News Service, OSV News, Crux, and Catholic Extension magazine.
Describe the importance of Catholic media:
Our world is full of misinformation about the purpose of life and how we are meant to treat our fellow humans. Too often, messages in media make this crisis worse by pitting us against each other in a society “that seems so treacherous, so disappointing” as Flannery O’Connor mused in her prayer journal. It can be hard to know who to trust and what is true in the endless buzz of conflicting opinions on screens. Adding to this confusion, our culture insists on blaming “the other” for the day’s various problems; we refuse to recognize that we all share a responsibility to promote the common good.
Catholic media is crucial to wading through these issues that seem so modern, and yet, have plagued humanity from the beginning. Following the tradition of the Gospel writers, who communicated the joy of the Gospel to the early Church scattered across the world, Catholic media inspires the faithful to go out and carry the light of Christ to all those they encounter. Catholic media professionals embrace this unique calling as we as we strive to help lead others to Christ by educating the people of God and by always seeking the truth.
Today more than ever, Catholic media is necessary to serve the Church in her mission to bring “good news to the afflicted, to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives,” as Isaiah wrote long ago. This type of media is more than feel-good spiritual content. No matter the platform – be it print, digital, audio, or a combination of all of the above – Catholic media assists the faithful in discovering their ultimate calling: union with God and eternal happiness with him in heaven.
Rob Herbst, CMA member since 2016, has worked in secular and Catholic newspapers for more than 25 years. He has served as editor of the Archdiocese of Mobile, Alabama’s “The Catholic Week,” newspaper since November 2015.
Rob’s roles have included editor, designer, reporter and photographer for the award-winning newspaper. Upon arriving at the Archdiocese of Mobile, Rob also launched the archdiocese’s social media efforts and eventually the newspaper’s online newsletter. He continues to help coordinate social media coverage and newsletter production. Rob also produces communications statements for the archdiocese and assists the Archbishop and diocesan staff with media relations.
Prior to his work in Mobile, Rob spent 15 years covering college athletics at the Bowling Green (Ky.) Daily News. Originally from Des Plaines, Illinois, Rob is a 1998 graduate of the University of Kentucky, having earned a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism.
Describe the importance of Catholic media:
Who else can better tell the Church’s story than Catholic media? It’s a complex story and nobody is better positioned to properly tell it than those entrusted as Catholic media professionals.
It’s no secret that a decline in resources has made it increasingly difficult for secular media outlets to properly cover the Church. All told, the faithful deserve the Catholic perspective of the Church’s story.
The Church impacts billions of lives across the globe. Everyone in Catholic media has a critical role in showcasing this impact, and also bringing souls to Christ, from the local level, to the national level, and to the international level.
Kate McEntee DeWeese has served as editor of Northwest Catholic magazine in the Archdiocese of Seattle since November 2022. She loves being able to share her faith through her work and use her skills to glorify God.
Before joining the Northwest Catholic team, Kate spent more than 20 years as a writer and editor at daily newspapers and an NPR affiliate; she also worked as a copy editor on the creative marketing teams for two major retailers.
Kate earned bachelor’s degrees in English and theatre arts from Saint Martin’s University in Lacey, Washington. She and her husband, John, have been married for 20 years and have a 16-year-old son.
When she’s not spending time with her family, Kate serves on the board of the parent service organization at her son’s Catholic high school and on the alumni board for Saint Martin’s. She is a lector (and occasional cantor) at Mass, and she volunteers in community theater. She enjoys reading, baking, singing, listening to music and watching baseball.
Describe the importance of Catholic media:
Catholic media is essential for evangelization and to show that the church is living and breathing in our parishes, dioceses, communities and around the world. It shows this not only to Catholic readers but also to anyone who picks up our newspapers or magazines or clicks on our websites or social media channels.
Quality Catholic media is important because it educates about the faith, and it inspires people to live their faith through prayer, service and action.
Catholic media is important because it celebrates the beauty of our faith and frames issues through a uniquely Catholic lens. It connects Catholics to their faith in a way secular media or simply Christian outlets cannot.
In a world of nonstop information — some of it questionable, inaccurate or unholy — Catholic media is a beacon of truth. It is a reliable source of news and inspiration for our Catholic brothers and sisters.
Kerry Weber is an executive editor for America, where she has worked since 2009. Kerry is the author of "Mercy in the City: How to Feed the Hungry, Give Drink to the Thirsty, Visit the Imprisoned, and Keep Your Day Job" (Loyola Press) and "Keeping the Faith: Prayers for College Students" (Twenty-Third Publications). Her writing and multimedia work have earned several awards from the Catholic Media Association, including Writer of the Year in 2023. She was part of the team from America Media that conducted an exclusive interview with Pope Francis in 2022.
A graduate of Providence College and the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, she has previously worked as an editor for Catholic Digest, a local reporter in Greenwich, Conn., a newspaper reporter and television producer for the Diocese of Springfield, Mass., and as a special-education teacher on the Navajo Nation in Arizona. Kerry has also served as a board member for the Ignatian Solidarity Network and has been a Mercy Associate since 2012.
Her work has appeared in The Washington Post, The Atlantic, and Sojourners, among other outlets. She lives in Western Massachusetts with her husband and three children.
Describe the importance of Catholic media:
As local newspapers close and newsrooms shrink around the United States, strong Catholic journalism is increasingly crucial. We are part of a struggling industry, but the Catholic corner of the journalism world faces additional challenges. From culture wars to liturgy wars, the U.S. church is hurting.
Catholic journalists are immersed in these painful stories as a matter of course. It is not easy to hold both the sins of the church and its sacred beauty—and by this I mean first the faithful and the charitable works, though I mean the churches and art, too—in tension all the time. It can be hard not to be overcome by despair or to turn a blind eye to its problems. But journalism is always about truth. And the truth is that the church has both inflicted pain and relieved it. Catholic journalists must bring both types of stories into the light.
Today’s church includes unique moments of pain and of hope—and it is more than any one of them. Part of the role of a Catholic journalist is to hold all this in tension.
“Catholic journalists have a great challenge before them,” Cardinal Wilton Gregory of Washington said in his homily at the Catholic Media Conference memorial Mass on June 9, 2023. “You must adhere to the highest principles of your profession. You must be diligent in research, honest in your editorial policy, competent in your use of the modern means of communication, but always motivated by the truth of Christ that is all too often only whispered in locked rooms or spoken in darkness.”
In its best moments, Catholic media helps people encounter Christ, whether through stories of work done in his name or through the revealing of evils that seek to tear it down. Being a part of the Catholic Media Association, along with colleagues from across the county, is a good reminder of our need to support one another in our shared mission. It helps me to feel hopeful that, together, our work might help build a church that challenges and loves and invites people to feel at home.
Gretchen R. Crowe is editor-in-chief of OSV News, a Catholic news and information service and evangelization partner that communicates the truth of what is happening in the Church and the world. In this role, she directs a team of seasoned reporters and content creators who contribute to one of the world’s largest Catholic content collections, spanning breaking news, in-depth analysis, inspirational stories, formational content, and social and digital assets.
Gretchen joined OSV in 2013 as editor of Our Sunday Visitor newspaper (now magazine) and subsequently was appointed editorial director for six additional publications. An award-winning writer and photographer, Gretchen is the author of three books: "Legacy of Mercy: A True Story of Mercy and a Mother's Forgiveness," (OSV, 2022), “Praying the Rosary with St. John Paul II” (OSV, 2019) and “Why the Rosary, Why Now?” (OSV, 2017).
Gretchen, along with her husband, award-winning author Michael Heinlein, is a professed member of the Association of Pauline Cooperators. She lives in Fort Wayne, Indiana, with Michael and their three children.
Describe the importance of Catholic media:
Like in the days of the early Church, and in every era since, the Church's story must be told. In reporting on Catholic issues and issues that affect Catholics, Catholic journalists play an essential role in communicating the Gospel and forwarding the Church's mission of evangelization. We report on what is happening within the Church, providing needed context, background and nuance not found in secular sources. We share information on the events taking place in our communities, our society and culture, and the larger world to help Christians in the formation of their consciences and their judgments. We share content that is formative in the Faith, doing the essential work of explaining what the Church teaches and why. We inspire with stories of Catholics and Catholic communities at the service of the good, the true and the beautiful. In short, our task is nothing less than to build up the Body of Christ.
Tara Durheim is the marketing director at Liturgical Press, which is an apostolate of Saint John’s Abbey, a Benedictine monastic community in central Minnesota. She joined the team in 2015, and currently oversees the marketing and promotional strategies for the publishing program, shaping a robust digital marketing strategy for the Press and supporting an online engagement plan that ensures product- and mission-alignment. A member of the leadership team, Tara fosters a culture of cross-collaboration among the many stakeholders at the Press, helping to create a community of care, creativity, and commitment. A graduate of the College of St. Benedict, she recently completed four-years of service on the board of her local food shelf and currently serves on the board for the Association of Catholic Publishers. Tara lives in Minnesota with her husband and two small children, where she enjoys spending time at the lake on her stand-up paddle board and hosting family and friends for meals and game nights.
Describe the importance of Catholic media:
At a time when public discourse often feels divisive and polarized, Catholic media has a critically important role to play in our Church and world. This is especially the case when our news and information is increasingly served up by algorithms that require minimal investment of the reader, in a model based on consumption rather than conversation. Not only does Catholic media help us see and understand the rich stories and discussions unfolding in our local communities, but the media also has the opportunity to cover the broader stories that illustrate the myriad ways we are globally connected and dependent on each other beyond our own dioceses or parish clusters. Against the backdrop of a news cycle that feeds on “the spin,” Catholic media at its best shows the world that there is another way—the path that doesn’t sidestep truth, but takes seriously the voices and lived experiences of those who strive to live out the Gospel call to care for the poor, the vulnerable, and the stranger. Publishers like Liturgical Press play an important role in facilitating the development and availability of spiritually enriching and scholarly resources rooted in the Catholic faith and authentic experience. These and similar Catholic media resources support those who seek to deepen the faith and understanding of all on our journey of discipleship.
Montie Chavez, MBA, is the Director of Communications for the Archdiocese of Las Vegas. With a bachelor’s in public relations from Our Lady of the Lake University and an MBA from the University of Mary, he brings a blend of strategic vision and practical expertise to his role. Since joining the Archdiocese in September 2022, he has enhanced digital engagement and maintained consistent communication across multiple platforms and mediums, including overseeing all communications when Las Vegas was elevated to Archdiocese status in 2023.
Previously, Chavez managed all aspects of communications for St. Norbert Abbey in Green Bay, where he was known for his adept handling of both regular and crisis communications, covering everything from digital, print, social media, and web design.
Chavez also has a unique background from his seven years of formation with the Capuchin Franciscan Friars, enriching his communication skills with theological insight and ministerial practice. Using this inside and unique perspective, he can easily navigate this role combining communications and the Catholic Church.
Describe the importance of Catholic media:
Catholic media is crucial because it serves as a means of evangelization, responding to Christ's command to "go and make disciples of all nations" using modern technologies to spread and communicate the Gospel effectively. As society becomes increasingly saturated with secular marketing trends, the Church has a responsibility to use all forms of communication and media to maintain relevance and connection with current Catholics, potential Catholics, and those who look to the Church as a source of information.
Additionally, the Church's focus on high-quality media production ensures that its messages are appealing, informative, and educational helping to deepen the faith of individuals that is both culturally and contextually relevant. The strategic use of media supports the Church's broader mission of ongoing evangelization and synodality.
Paula Gwynn Grant is an Emmy Award-winning television and radio broadcaster and marketing/media professional, who currently is Secretary for Communications for The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington (D.C.), home of the Catholic Standard and El Pregonero archdiocesan newspapers.
Prior to this position, Paula served for five years as Director of Communications for The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta, home of The Georgia Bulletin. She is the media spokesperson and representative for the Cardinal Archbishop.
Paula is grateful to be of service to our Church as a professional Catholic communicator. Currently, for a second time, Paula is a Consultant for Communications Committee for The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).
Paula has served on several Catholic non-profit boards including the Ignatius House and Loyola Jesuit Retreat Centers, Catholic Charities of Washington, D.C., and the Mercy Care Foundation.
A former Miss Black America (1989) and honors graduate of the University of Maryland, College Park, Paula has over 35 years of experience producing and hosting television and radio programs and working as a top Communications advisor for religious clergy/bishops, numerous politicians/government officials, doctors, professional athletes, and entertainers.
Paula considers it a great honor and privilege to be serving her second term on our Catholic Media Association Board.
Paula is grateful for the life journey God has her on professionally and personally with her husband, Ray, and their 28-year-old daughter, and 24-year-old son.
Describe the importance of Catholic media:
Given this time of extreme polarization both inside the Church and in our outside secular world, Paula is convinced that the need for reliable trustworthy Catholic media is critical. As journalists and communication professionals, Paula sees the role of Catholic media as one that informs, educates, and accompanies the People of God by sharing their diverse stories as encouraging signs of life and our mission of spreading the Good News of the Gospel in all the various formats and platforms that we can.
In her role as communications manager, Nicole Mamura has the joy and honor of working hand-in-hand with Archdiocesan leadership and office staff on communication strategy and messaging to meet the pastoral and administrative needs of clergy, parishes and the lay faithful. Nicole specializes in digital media strategy and has facilitated the launch of several websites for the Archdiocese (including the CMA's best new website of 2019). Some of her most memorable and rewarding experiences include partnering with Archdiocesan leadership and safe environment staff on transparency efforts, extensive work on the Archdiocese's three-year Synod process (and the implementation that followed), and launching Archbishop Bernard Hebda's monthly video series "Together on the Journey" alongside her Communcations Office collaborators. Prior to her work with the Archdiocese, which began in 2013, Nicole served as communications coordinator at a local parish and worked in public relations for a secular advertising agency. She also serves on the CMA membership committee. Nicole is blessed by her husband, three children, active pup, and small but spiritually powerful parish and school community of Immaculate Conception in Columbia Heights, MN, where she serves as pastoral council chair.
Describe the importance of Catholic media:
When Pilate asked the Lord, "What is truth?" he might as well have been living in 2025. In this confusing and divisive time, our world still desperately longs for the Truth which all hearts seek - and can only find in Jesus Christ. Catholic media has the great privilege and responsibility of bringing what is true - as well as the good and beautiful (thank you, Bishop Robert Barron) - to the masses in response to Christ's great commission to "go and make disciples of all nations."
Michael Stechschulte is editor-in-chief of Detroit Catholic, the official digital news service of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Detroit. He previously served as editor of The Michigan Catholic newspaper, the predecessor to Detroit Catholic, from 2012 until the paper's closure and transition in 2018. He currently serves on the board of directors of the Catholic Media Association and as chairman of the association's Communications Committee.
Apart from overseeing the newspaper's successful transition to a daily, digital format — including increases in readership and social engagement — Michael has directed the publication's new media efforts in areas such as video, podcasting and web development. In 2020, Detroit Catholic launched a Spanish-language sister publication, Detroit Catholic en Español, which serves the local Church with original and translated news and faith formation content. Michael is also a featured guest on the monthly radio segment "First Fridays with Detroit Catholic," which airs on Ave Maria Radio, an affiliate of EWTN in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Michael enjoys spending time with his wife, Christine, exploring the great outdoors, especially in northern Michigan, and being the best uncle he can be to several nieces and nephews. They are parishioners at St. Joseph the Worker Parish in Lake Orion, Michigan.
Describe the importance of Catholic media:
A speech Greg Erlandson once gave at the Catholic Media Conference stuck with me. Quoting Cardinal John P. Foley, a steadfast champion of Catholic media, Greg observed that the role of Catholic media today is threefold: "to form, to inform, and to inspire." Each of these pillars is indispensable to our mission as Catholic communicators.
Along with the Church at large, our first task is to form all those who engage with our work according to the mind and heart of Jesus Christ. Without this essential and primary mission always in our hearts, we risk becoming, as St. Paul says, a "clanging gong or a clashing cymbal" (1 Cor. 13:1), speaking lots while saying little. In an age of lacking catechesis and rampant apathy, we must always remind ourselves to keep the Lord and his priorities at the forefront of our minds. If our work is not infused with the love and truth that Jesus sets us free, we are missing the point entirely.
Our second task, to inform, is crucial in the times in which we live. Gone are the days in which we can rely on secular media to tell the Church's story with fairness and truth — if it is even told at all. Catholic media exists not only to tell the Church's story, but to continue to proclaim to the world that our message — the salvific message of Christ — matters. Our work not only gives voice to the Church's priorities amidst the noise of secular society, but it serves to connect the faithful and the fallen-away with the wider Catholic community, engaging and reminding them of the beauty and fullness of the body of Christ.
Our third task, to inspire, is the culmination of everything we do. If Catholics are formed and informed, yet not inspired to be Christ's hands and feet, our work is incomplete. On a practical level, Catholic media can — and often does — inspire great works of charity, faith and holiness by providing examples of those who do just that. From stories about the founding of a pregnancy center to the heroic witness of modern-day saints and martyrs, Catholic media brings to life the teachings of Christ in a way that bears fruit in the hearts of those who engage with it. It shows the world that our ideals aren't just ideals; they're actionable blueprints with a real impact on the world in which we live.
Our task today is to support our bishops in this great work of the Church, amplifying Christ's message through modern means of communication. At the end of the day, Catholic media exists, simply and succinctly, for the salvation of souls and the glory of God.
Gerald “Jerry” Wutkowski, Jr. is the Director of Communications and Digital Media for the Superintendent of Schools Office in the Archdiocese of New York. He leads communication strategies for 156 schools across nine counties and boroughs, supporting nearly 50,000 students from Pre-K through 12th grade.
Previously, Jerry served as Assistant Director of Communications and Public Relations for the Diocese of Metuchen under Bishop James F. Checchio, overseeing diocesan and affiliate communications. With over a decade in Church service, he has held roles in communications, evangelization, and ministry in multiple dioceses, including Peoria and Trenton.
Rooted in ministerial and relationship-based evangelization, Jerry believes meaningful connections—through both traditional and digital media—are essential to making Christ known and loved. His scholarly work, Synodal Communion: The Movement of the Spirit within the Institutional Church and its Sacramental Practice in the Age of Francis, was recognized by Sr. Nathalie Becquart, XMCJ, for its insights into vulnerability in the spirituality of Synodality.
Jerry holds a B.A. in Business Administration from Holy Family University and an M.A. in Pastoral Studies from Loyola University Chicago. An active member of the Catholic Media Association, he is also involved with the Religion Communicators Council and the National Catholic Educational Association.
When not crafting communication strategies or analyzing Church documents, Jerry captures sacred moments through his Nikon lens.
Describe the importance of Catholic media:
Catholic media is more than a means of sharing news—it is a ministry of encounter, a way of walking with people in their search for truth, meaning, and hope. In a world filled with uncertainty, Catholic media serves as a guiding light, helping people recognize Christ in their daily lives.
The Gospel of Luke provides a profound model for this mission in the story of the Road to Emmaus. Two disciples, weighed down by grief and doubt, are met by a stranger who gently asks, “What are you discussing as you walk along?” (Luke 24:17). As they open their hearts, their understanding deepens, and in the breaking of the bread, they recognize Christ. This moment reflects the heart of Catholic communication: accompanying others, listening with compassion, and revealing Christ through the power of storytelling. The disciples’ invitation— “Stay with us” (Luke 24:29)—mirrors the role of Catholic media, which extends this same invitation to the world, creating spaces where faith can be nurtured, hearts can be moved, and Christ can be encountered.
The world longs for voices that speak the truth, reveal beauty, and proclaim faith. Catholic media has the sacred responsibility to respond—not only by informing but also by inspiring and leading people to a deeper communion with Christ and His Church. Whether through digital platforms, print, or broadcast, Catholic media must provide stories that uplift, challenge and unite.
As we embrace the Jubilee Year of Hope, Catholic media is essential in sharing stories of faith, conversion, and renewal, reminding the world of God's presence in our midst. The Jubilee calls the Church to rediscover pilgrimage, mercy, and communion, and Catholic media is called to be a messenger of that hope. This means amplifying the voices of young Catholic storytellers, celebrating the richness of diverse liturgical traditions, and ensuring that the many cultures that make up the Church are valued and heard.
Catholic media is not simply a profession—it is a vocation rooted in our baptismal call and guided by the Holy Spirit. By committing ourselves to truth, beauty, and communion, we become heralds of renewal, proclaiming the hope that defines this Jubilee year and carrying forth the Good News to a needy world.
Carol Zimmermann is a longtime Catholic journalist who got her start as an intern and then reporter at The Catholic Standard newspaper of the Washington Archdiocese. From there she moved on to Catholic News Service in what was to be a one-year gig filling in for someone but ended up being a staff reporter for 30 years (until the U.S. offices of CNS were shut down) covering education, the Supreme Court and Catholic news in general. Zimmermann then spent a little over a year working remotely as the national correspondent for The Tablet, diocesan newspaper of New York. Currently, she is the news editor at the National Catholic Reporter.
Describe the importance of Catholic media:
Catholic media is an important tool to tell the stories of how people are living out their beliefs in the modern world. It highlights the many ways people are reflecting Gospel values in heroic works or simple gestures but it also shines a light on leaders who may have fallen short of these goals. Catholic media also connects believers encountering similar struggles or joys across a diocese, the country or even more broadly. In a media-saturated environment, Catholic media stands out for its dedication to journalistic standards and to its unique ability to tap into the faith that brings so many of us together and pushes us on.